How to Submit a Review for your Product

Updated on March 29, 2022

Thank you for purchasing a product from The Wellness Enterprise. We’d love to hear about your experience and how it benefits you and your life. Here’s how To Write a Review:

Using the email address with which you purchased your product.

After setting up an account with your email address (aka, will be Username), password, you then click REGISTER.

  • Now you have access to your purchased products to contribute a Review (testimonial)

To leave a review, scroll down on your orders and click the button “Leave Review” for the product to submit a comment.

A Review/Comment box will be displayed.

  • Fill in your Review/Comment, and click SAVE REVIEW

You have contributed a Review!

You may now add a new comment / review for any product you have purchased.


Thank you for supporting our mission to spread the wonderful news and benefits you have received from products from The Wellness Enterprise.

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